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For the last moments of 2018 ;)

In this year our dogs were appreciated by many judges and breeders at national, international and specialistic shows throughout Europe. This year definitely belonged to Flash due to his first year in the veteran class, but he was not worse than in the youth ;). However, the most important successes for me: *3 x Best In Show 1st, Best Veteran, Best of Breed, Best Veteran 1st, at Setter and Pointer Club show in Czech Austria and Poland* *Best Veteran, Best of Breed, Best Veteran 1st, Best in Show 2nd Pointing dog Club Show in Poland* *Best Veteran, Best of Breed, Best Veteran 1st, Best in Show 2nd at Special National Setter and Pointer in Poland* No matter what we achieved, I hope that the next years we all will be able to enjoy Flash in such a great condition

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